Alternative Medicine in MN -
More Information on Practices listed in H.F. 537

For those wishing to learn more about the alternative medicine practices which will be legalized by MN HF 537, the following list of links includes proponents, opponents and general background information.  A few links to vendors have been included as examples of the types of goods and practices which may become commonplace in Minnesota. The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices does not endorse or recommend either the practices or the products.



Aromatherapy: Making Dollars out of Scents at


  • Ayurveda at the American Council on Science and Health (ACHS)
  • Ayurveda Holistic Center offers a 2 year distance learning course for $5,000 tuition, certification through the American Board of Drugless Practitioners ($185 application and certification fee - no education or training requirements are stated).
  • Ayurvedic medicine at the Skeptics Dictionary
  • Ayurvedic Medicine By Walter W. Mills, MD - a practitioner
  • Ayurvedic Rasayanas Pricelist  - "None of our products have been tested or clinically proven to cure or treat a disease of any kind. All of our products have been designed from a list of herbs . . ."  Prices are generally $25 for 300 grams, a 2-4 week supply.  These conditions were listed for "Arthritis Ease" and "Heart Strong" ($50 total):  osteo arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, gout , lupus, circulation increase, metabolism improvement, digestion improvement, enhancement of the immune system , rejuvenation the nervous system , cracking joints, intestinal gas and distention, constipation, internal coldness and chills, dryness , aches and pains, blood purification, irregular heartbeat (ventricular arrhythmias), abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, nervousness, tremors, numbness, tightness in the chest, angina pectoris, insomnia, labored breathing , benign abdominal tumors, heart palpitations, helps heal broken bones and fractures. 3/26/00
  • A Few Thoughts on Ayurvedic Mumbo-Jumbo at

Chelation therapy

Cranial sacral therapy

Cranialsacral therapy at the Skeptics Dictionary

Detoxification practices

"Detoxification" with Pills and Fasting by Frances M. Berg, MS

Energetic Healing

  • Bio-Energy System Services  - "Distant (absent) energy healing; energy system assessment; energy system and chakras cleansing, balancing, and normalizing to be energetically and physically healthy performed by experienced healers ."- vendor site.
  • Tachyon Energy - This vendor claims "When an energetic system passes through a bifurcation point, and if the system’s SOEFs are energized and balanced using Tachyon Energy, that energetic system will move toward health." Tachyon might seem familiar to Star Trek fans - tachyon is perhaps best remembered from the Redemption Part II (Next Generation) episode where it was used to uncloak the romulan ships. See also Tachyons and Other Nonentities by Milton Rothman.
  • The Universal Calibration Lattice, part of theThe EMF Balancing Technique® , is used to "increase your health and co-create the healing miracles you need" - a vendor site.

Gerson Therapy

Healing Touch

Herbology or herbalism



Massage Therapy

Massage therapy at the Skeptics Dictionary


Noninvasive Intrumentalities

Nutrient Therapies

Polarity Therapy

APTA Polarity Therapy Overview

Traditional Oriental practices  
The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices
updated: 4/13.13