Back left: 1854 Davis Kidder Magneto, 4 3/4" x 10" x 4 7/8". Brass hand electrode shown center back.
Front: Early Chemical Battery Generator. Top,
front left, 4 7/8" x [Large image, 428 x 596, 21K]Photos by B. and J. Gaukel. |
The battery was made by the Nonpareil Co. founded in 1855. The instructions were:
Add 8 oz Sulphuric acid,
5 pints water
and disolve 7 1/2 oz of Pulverized
Bichromite Potassa in mixture.
The Davis Kidder Magneto, patented in 1854, is a simple machine which generates electricity using a magnet. A hand-turned crank operates gears (connected by a thin leather belt) which spin a velvet-covered armature. This generates an electric flow conducted over cloth-insulated wires to the 2 inch brass electrodes. The current produced is low voltage - using the machine briefly is not unpleasant. Use causes involuntary muscle contractions.
See also our Violet Ray Generators page.
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Medical Magnetos
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updated 4/13/2013